The Arts
This year Hesket Primary students will participate in a weekly Visual Art and Music session. The weekly Music program incorporates all areas of the Music curriculum, exploring patterns in music, singing, basic composition and the learning of an instrument. Throughout the Visual Arts program, students will learn a range of art forms, exploring and experimenting with painting and drawing, construction and modelling, textiles and collage and print making. Families are offered the opportunity to opt in to 'user pays' keyboard lessons.
Students at Hesket are given the opportunity to explore Science in a hands on way. They explore the different Science dimensions: biology, chemistry, physics and digital technology. Students are encouraged to think about how and why things work. They are given the opportunity to ask questions to further understand the world in which we live.
During the year, students are given the opportunity to explore Science in an alternate setting with an excursion. For example in the past students have attended Quantum.
Some areas we have covered in last twelve months:
Physical Education
Physical Education is a weekly specialist subject where all students focus on the development and consolidation of fundamental motor skills. The junior students work primarily on these skills, along with applying effective listening and team work through participation in a range of physical activities and games. The senior students build upon their base of skills as they work towards developing a wider knowledge and experience of various team sports and games. Hesket Primary is a member of the Cobaw District Sports Association and senior students enjoy participating in district and regional events. Hesket Primary has been successful in obtaining a number of grants which enable the engagement of external coaches across a range of sporting fields to run programs for all students throughout the year. Each year, all students are given the opportunity to participate in a school-wide intensive swimming program at Gisborne Aquatic Centre. Auslan
All students at Hesket Primary School learn Auslan. Our focus initially is around mastering fingerspelling (the alphabet) and some basic greetings and manners. As students become more confident with the different handshapes and expressing themselves using their face and body, we explore commonly used vocabulary by learning songs, role-playing, playing games, watching videos and stories along with lots and lots of practise!
Why Auslan?
Incorporating Auslan into the school program has many benefits for both Deaf and hearing students.
Sign language can: